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Quality control and traceability are increasingly important for us at SARIV, especially with a view to implementing 4.0 technologies and customer satisfaction. This is why we have recently created a new laboratory, in which we have installed a whole series of instruments that allow us to guarantee the high quality standards required from our customers and which we impose ourselves on. ...

Quality control and traceability are increasingly important for us at SARIV, especially when it comes to implementing 4.0 technologies and customer satisfaction.

This is why we have recently created a new laboratory, in which we have installed a whole series of instruments that allow us to guarantee the high quality standards required from our customers and which we ourselves aim to reach.

A new durometer, a traction machine and an optical comparator for real-time measurements enable accurate product test, guaranteeing that we comply with the technical characteristics and the mechanical performance required for our applications.

laser marker was finally installed for traceability on the equipment.

Discover SARIV technologies here!