A further field of application of rivets beyond those we have seen so far are curved applications. An example? Industrial refrigeration or heating systems. Once again, structural rivets and their higher mechanical performance come in handy [...]
A further field of application of rivets beyond those we have seen so far are curved applications.
An example? Industrial refrigeration or heating systems.
Once again, structural rivets and their higher mechanical performance come in handy: higher shear, tensile and vibration resistance; hermetic sealing to liquids; resistance to humidity and corrosion; and last but not least, the structural action of the mandrel too, which remains blocked inside the rivet body once the rivet is applied.
Our team has developed a customized version of a Saribolt which, in addition to all the characteristics already listed, has ad hoc high grip range, and covers large holes or even slotted or not in axis with each other.
In addition, the head of the mandrel has a particular structure to ensure adhesion inside the pipes, which is fundamental because of the rounded shape.
Our technical office is at your disposal for further information and to develop the best solution for you.