The digitization process of production in SARIV has been committing us since 2008, and still it is constantly evolving, in view to apply concretely all the potential of Industry 4.0 philosophy.
The digitization process of production in SARIV has been committing us since 2008, and still it is constantly evolving, in view to apply concretely all the potential of Industry 4.0 philosophy.
Today actually, this is getting more and more the element that distinguishes us in the sector of blind rivets: traceability, quality control and data management made us evolve from manufacturers of standard products, to producers of customized solutions whose development is totally traceable on a digital platform. This feature is particularly appreciated by the Automotive industry, our main outlet market.
For this reason, SARIV case was selected by Confindustria Veneto SIAV as part of the project “Showcase Factories: Paradigms for a New Manageriality”: a research which, through the study of some business cases, describes the new managerial skills mastering the digitalization processes in companies.
The training required, the type of managerial profiles used, the transformation in the tasks and roles of many managers have proved to be a non-homogeneous and linear process. Sariv protraits among one of the best practice examples analyzed.