RAL special DH blind rivets
This blind rivet consists of an aluminum body and galvanized steel mandrel. The body is painted with epoxy paint so as to ensure a better seal in severe climatic conditions.
It is the perfect solution for a coated surface requiring elements in view of the same color. SARIV keep three standard colors in stock, but can supply any kind of color requested. Also creating specific shades from a color sample swatch.
A wide variety of diameters and grip ranges are available to cover various holes and lockable thickness sizes. This type of rivet can be used where there is no necessity of specific mechanical resistance. It is a fast, simple and cost-effective solution, but has extremely high fastening properties.
All SARIV blind rivets have a mandrel projection that exceeds ISO regulation requirements, to simplify the work of your tool. SARIV rivets are made of high magnesium content aluminum, to ensure better mechanical and corrosion resistance.
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